If you work in real estate, you expect your handset to run hot with calls and voicemails. Especially after hours when people are house hunting or checking their property.

That’s why many agents use business SMS tools to automate conversions. With auto-replies and scheduled messages, potential buyers, renters, and landlords always get the answers they need. And you get the time off you need.

New to text messaging for real estate? We’ll give you a head start with 31 SMS real estate text templates. So you can copy, paste and close the deal.

In this post you’ll find:

  • SMS templates for realtors and property sales
  • Text templates leases and rental properties
  • SMS real estate templates for strata and property management
  • Text messages to send to your real estate team

Read: Still not sold on SMS? Check out The Ultimate Guide to SMS.

How do estate agents use SMS?

Many of your clients will actually prefer text messaging. Strange, but true. After you get used to it, you might prefer it too. It’s a chance to say bye to your 4,500 unread emails.

Almost everyone uses a mobile phone, and 90% of messages are opened in minutes. Plus, texting offers you the ability to send immediate responses, easily. And, if you use SMS auto-responders, your replies can be sent automatically so you can stay focused.

Most agents get started with text messaging to solve the below two problems. But, there’s so much more SMS can do.

  • Confirm client appointments and send SMS reminders prior to inspections, auctions and home opens to reduce no-shows and improve attendance rates.
  • Get the most out of your advertising spend with SMS. Include SMS keywords on for sale signs, in TV advertising, on the radio or in direct mail to grow your SMS database. According to The National Association of Realtors, 62% of all home buyers prefer to receive property info through text messaging.

Let’s start with real estate sms templates to solve the basics. If you want to see what else SMS can help you with, contact our team for a free demo.

Text message templates for realtors and property sales

As a real estate agent, you can use texting to complement your sales strategy and reduce the time on market for your property listings.

Sounds good, right? Let’s go 🚀

SMS for before the open house
1. New property listing to interested potential buyers
2. Lead re-engagement
3. Reply to request for property information

Copy to clipboard
Hi {first name}, I’ve just listed a new property in {suburb}, with {number} bed and {number} bath plus {awesome feature}. It also has a great {next best feature}. I think it will be perfect for you. I’d love to show it to you – here’s my availability {calendar link}. {Agent name}.
Copy to clipboard
Hi {first name}, were you still interested in properties in {suburb}? I have several new listings that I think you might like. I’d love to show you some – if you’re interested, here’s my availability {calendar link}. {Agent name}.
Copy to clipboard
Hi {name}, thanks for your interest in {address}. Here’s a link to the property brochure {link}. Would you like a private viewing? Book a time here {calendar link}. {Name, agency}

Text message templates for an open house
1. Promote open house times
2. Register for open house
3. Open house reminder
4. Open house thank you
5. Sharing other listings
6. Update owner after the open house

Copy to clipboard
Hello, great news. I’ll be showing {address] at the below times [time, date], [time, date] & [time, date]. Details: [{link to listing}. Hope to see you there. {Agent name}.
Copy to clipboard
Hello {name}, are you still interested in {address}? I have a home open on {date} at {time}. If you’d like to come, please reply YES. Thanks, {agent name}
Copy to clipboard
Don’t forget about our open house event happening today at {time}, {address). We can’t wait to show you around and answer any questions. See you there
Copy to clipboard
Thanks for viewing {address]. Please call me on {number} to make an offer. If you’re looking for something else, we have a similar listing {link}.
Copy to clipboard
Hi {Name}, the property at {address} is under contract. Have you seen the similar property at {address 2}? View: {listing link}
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Hello {name}, the open house went well. We had {number} of buyers attend. I’ll call you soon with a proper update and hopefully some offers. {Agent name}

Texts for after a sale 
1. Congratulate a seller
2. Re-engage a past buyer 
3. Re-engage a warm lead seller
4. Offer free property valuations

Copy to clipboard
Hello {Name}, great news! {Property} officially closed today and the whole process went smoothly. We’ll be in touch soon, {Agent Name}
Copy to clipboard
Hi {Name}, are you still looking for a property? I’d love to set up a time to chat and see if we have a home that will suit your needs. Thanks, {Agent name}
Copy to clipboard
Hi {Name}, the real estate market is always changing. If you’re still thinking about selling, I’d love to do a market analysis and discuss the best strategies to market your property. Let me know, {Agent Name}
Copy to clipboard
Hello {Name}, it’s a great time to sell your property. I’d love to offer you a free valuation, I’ve been working in {area} for {number} years. Book a time: {link} {agent name}

Use messaging to keep everyone in the loop and relaxed during a stressful process. Clients are more likely to come to repeat business if they like the way you operate.

Real estate SMS templates for leases and rental properties

Coordinate staff, suppliers and leads with text messages and get your rental properties filled, fast.

Plus, you can use an SMS gateway for more than finding the perfect tenant. Use text messages to:

  • Keep tenants updated on inspections, repairs, cleaning, etc.
  • Automate rent reminder text messages to help landlords get paid on time.
  • Facilitate vetting processes and streamline communication of rental agreements.
  • Contact plumbers, electricians or other tradespeople to complete repairs.

SMS to advertise a rental
1. Rental properties listed SMS
2. Promote open house for rental 
3. Rental application follow up
4. Send links to lease agreements

Copy to clipboard
Hi {first name}, I’ve just listed a new rental property in {suburb} that will be perfect for you. It has {feature}, {feature} and is close to {shops/transport/schools, etc}. If you’re interested let’s set up a time {calendar link}. {Agent name}.
Copy to clipboard
We’re opening the {address} rental at {date} {time}. Just a reminder, applications close on {date}. See you at the viewing. {Agent name}
Copy to clipboard
Hi {first name}, thanks for lodging your documents with {agency}. Your application has been successful and we will send you your new rental agreement within {amount of time}. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call. {Agent name}.
Copy to clipboard
Hi {Name}, welcome to the neighbourhood. Please fill out your lease agreement for {address} here: {link}. We’ll organise your move-in day when the paperwork is finalised. {Agent Name}

Messages for the rental application process
1. Check rental references text
2. Move in instructions

Copy to clipboard
Hi there, you’ve been listed as a rental reference for {tenant name}. I’ll be calling you around {time} to discuss. Let me know if that doesn’t suit you. Thanks, {Agent Name}
Copy to clipboard
Hi {Name}, your move in date for {address} has been set to {date}. Please come to the office at {office address} to collect your keys. Thanks, {Agent Name}

Texts to use for property management
1. Rent payment reminder
2. House inspection reminder
3. Post-inspection owner update
4. Request for quote for repairs

Copy to clipboard
Hi {Name}, just a reminder that we’ll deduct your monthly rent from the nominated account on {date}. Please call if you’re having trouble paying on that date. {Agent Name}
Copy to clipboard
Hello {Name}, we’re hoping to come for a rent inspection on {date} at {time}. If you’re working or busy at that time, that’s ok. Please let us know if you’d like to reschedule. Thanks, {Agent Name}
Copy to clipboard
Hi {Name} We completed a rental inspection at {address} on {date}. We’ll send the inspection report to {email} soon. Call me if you have any questions, {Agent Name}
Copy to clipboard
Hi, we need a {job description} completed at {address} by {date}. Can you provide me with a quick quote? Thanks, {Agent Name}

SMS for Strata and Property Management

It’s hard to be the person in the middle. You can simplify communications with property owners, tenants, owner corporations and contractors by using real estate text messaging templates.

It’s an easy and accessible way for people to reach you and visa-versa. No more crossed wires.

SMS for strata management
1. Send out strata invoices
2. Strata invoice payment reminder
3. Property Maintenance SMS Reminders for Tenants
4. Landlord Text Communication

Copy to clipboard
Hi {owner}, it’s that time of year. We’ve sent an invoice for your {name of payment} fees to your mailing address. You can also access the invoice here: {link}
Copy to clipboard
Hi {owner}, just a friendly reminder that your {name of payment} fees are due on {date}. Please call the office on {number} if you’re having any difficulties paying. {Property Manager}
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Hi {tenant name}, {service provider} will be coming to fix {service} on {date} at {time}. If you are unable to be home at the confirmed time, please let me know ASAP so we can reschedule. {Property manager}.
Copy to clipboard
Hi {owner}, the AGM for {address} will be held on {date} at {time}. Please confirm whether you will be able to make it, send a proxy or be absent. Kind regards, {Name}, {Strata Company}.

Text messages to send to your real estate team

Realtors are often on the road, rushing from property to property. It can be hard to organise a team via email or other productivity tools which are usually accessed on a desktop.

Luckily, most agents are never far from their mobile phone. This makes SMS the perfect way to reach your busy property team — with minimal effort from you.

Text messages for managing your agents
1. Meeting reminders
2. Request to view marketing information for a listing 
3. Celebration of house sale
4. Listing update reminders

Copy to clipboard
Hi team, don’t forget we’re having our monthly meeting on {date} at the office. Please review the agenda and let me know if you can’t make it, {Agency Owner}
Copy to clipboard
Can the whole team please review the new listing packet for {property address} before the meeting on Monday?
Copy to clipboard
Great job on closing the sale of { address} team, keep up the good work!
Copy to clipboard
Good morning team, just a reminder that our company’s website is being updated today. Please make sure to have your listings updated on the site by the end of the day.

Go beyond text — manage all real estate communications with ClickSend

When you sign up for a free trial, you get access to all of our other communications tools too.

Realtors love our online mail and online postcard tool. You can send all documentation for buying and selling, final inspections and settlement with reminders.

You can also automate the sending of sales documentation — have letters of approval, settlement documents and contracts mailed at the click of a button with our online post service.

We also offer a user-friendly MMS gateway that’s perfect for sending images of properties. And, realtors love our email-to-sms tool too.

Set up text messaging for real estate in minutes

Sign up for a free trial to get started. We’ll even top up your account with some free credit.

Reach out to our friendly support team if you need any help, any time of day (or night). Just open a live chat in the bottom right corner of your screen.